Author: asiannurse

Transport of Gases

Oxygen Transport and Unloading 1. From Lungs to Blood: 2. Transport in Blood: 3. From Blood to Tissues (Unloading of Oxygen): 4. Cellular Respiration: Carbon Dioxide Transport 1. From Tissues to Blood: 2. Transport in Blood: 3. From Blood to Lungs: 4. Exhalation: Summary

Internal and External Respiration

Internal and external respiration are two critical processes involved in the overall respiratory system, facilitating gas exchange in the body. Here’s a detailed explanation of each: External Respiration Definition:External respiration refers to the exchange of gases between the external environment and the lungs, specifically occurring in the alveoli of the lungs. This process involves the […]

Procedure for withdrawal

The procedure for forming and recording an agreement on treatment withdrawal in the UK involves several steps to ensure informed consent and adherence to legal and ethical principles: 1. Initiation of Discussion: 2. Assessing Capacity: 3. Information Sharing and Shared Decision Making: 4. Considering Patient Wishes: 5. Reaching Agreement: 6. Recording the Agreement: Additional Considerations:

Legal Constraints

In the UK, the withdrawal or withholding of medical treatment is governed by a complex interplay of legal constraints, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and ethical principles. Here’s a detailed look at these aspects: Legal Constraints 2. Statutory Law: 3. Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA): Mental Capacity Act 2005 In the UK, the key legal […]

Colloids Vrs Cryatalloids

Summary of “Colloids Compared to Crystalloids in Emergent Stabilisation of Critically Ill Adults Title: Colloids Compared to Crystalloids in Emergent Stabilisation of Critically Ill AdultsAuthor: Jerry Johnson PA-SAdvisor: Ryane Lester PA-CUniversity: Augsburg UniversityDate: August 2020 Abstract This study systematically reviews the efficacy and safety of colloids compared to crystalloids for emergent resuscitation in critically ill […]

Colloids, Crystalloids & blood products

Understanding the differences between colloids, crystalloids, and blood products is crucial in clinical practice, especially in fluid resuscitation and volume replacement therapies. Here’s a breakdown of each: Colloids: Description: Examples: Clinical Use: Considerations: Crystalloids: Description: Examples: Clinical Use: Considerations: Blood Products: Description: Examples: Clinical Use: Considerations: Summary:

Fluid management in ICU

Fluid management is a critical component of intensive care, where patients often present with complex fluid and electrolyte imbalances. The following detailed clinical indications necessitate fluid interventions, highlighting their relevance to ICU patients in the UK and incorporating guidelines from authoritative bodies such as NICE and the Royal College of Physicians. 1. Dehydration Clinical Indications: […]

Osmosis & Diffusion

Osmosis and Diffusion in Relation to Fluid Movements Understanding osmosis and diffusion is fundamental to comprehending how fluids and solutes move within and between the body’s compartments. These processes are critical for maintaining cellular homeostasis and overall physiological balance. Diffusion Definition:Diffusion is the passive movement of solutes from an area of higher concentration to an […]

Fluid Compartments Within the Body

Understanding the distribution and dynamics of body fluids is critical for clinical practice, particularly in managing fluid and electrolyte imbalances. This knowledge is essential in the UK healthcare setting, where guidelines and protocols are informed by organisations like NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence). Intracellular Fluid (ICF): Accounts for about 60% of total […]

Kidney functions & urine output significance

Renal function and urine output are critical indicators of the body’s overall health, particularly the functionality of the kidneys. The kidneys play a vital role in maintaining homeostasis by filtering waste products from the blood, regulating fluid and electrolyte balance, and controlling blood pressure. Key Aspects of Renal Function 2. Serum Creatinine: 3. Blood Urea […]