Category: End of life care

Triggers for Organ Donation

Defined triggers are essential in ensuring timely identification and referral of potential organ and tissue donors. These triggers are based on clinical observations and established medical criteria, helping healthcare providers recognise suitable donors early, thereby increasing the likelihood of successful organ transplantation and tissue donation. 1. Neurological Criteria 2. Cardiovascular Criteria 3. Respiratory Criteria 4. […]

Procedure for withdrawal

The procedure for forming and recording an agreement on treatment withdrawal in the UK involves several steps to ensure informed consent and adherence to legal and ethical principles: 1. Initiation of Discussion: 2. Assessing Capacity: 3. Information Sharing and Shared Decision Making: 4. Considering Patient Wishes: 5. Reaching Agreement: 6. Recording the Agreement: Additional Considerations:

Legal Constraints

In the UK, the withdrawal or withholding of medical treatment is governed by a complex interplay of legal constraints, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, and ethical principles. Here’s a detailed look at these aspects: Legal Constraints 2. Statutory Law: 3. Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA): Mental Capacity Act 2005 In the UK, the key legal […]